I have left the area and followed the track now that Ned feels more at ease. The metal carriages are becoming more. They are so varied, differing in size, colour and sound. The largest one I have seen today was stopped at the track side. It was over six horse lengths and stood as high as a small defensive tower would. I counted more than 20 of the black wheels. The beasts master may have been a knight? The doors of the carriage were decorated with a fully regaled heavy horse attacking a fanciful dragon. The writing above and below this image spelled “George’s Transport. To Infinity and beyond!”
I watched for a while and noted his return from the hedge line. He waved at me and I did so back. He then climbed into the beast and it rumbled to life belching black smoke from above. With a loud hiss and grinding it moved onto the track, yellow and red eyes blinking. A much smaller carriage rushed up from behind and such a noise as I can only describe as the metal of trumpets did greet the larger beast. There was some waving and shouting from both carriages as they moved away from us. Such a joy to see but Ned is agitated again. I have moved away from the black track and onto one that is dirt and follows the sun.
I have just had a good encounter with a wizened farmer. As I came out from a small copse of trees and crested a hill I noticed a man struggling with one of the large field carriages. He was swearing and was very red of face. Upon seeing me he waved me over and asked for my help. Together we fixed back a “tire” as he called the black wheel. It was near to dusk and he mentioned his wife, family and meal. I was about to move on and find my area for camping down when he asked me if I would like to join him for dinner. At that point my stomach reminded me that rations were okay in the short term. The sky also looked to be gathering for rain. I accepted and he offered his hand and said he was named “William” I told him my name and he laughed and said “Your in the right place alright” I am not sure what he meant?
We journeyed to his home, not a long way off. Him on his noisy “traktor” as he called it and Ned and me a chain distant. He directed me to a barn where I could prepare Ned for the night. We gathered some feed and water for Ned and he seemed more at ease. Though he was looking at the carriage, stood by the entrance, with a nervous eye. As the light rain fell and pattered from the metal William took my arm and guided me to the home, which was a very strange affair. It was all lit up but there were no candles or fires. There were globes that gave out light only. No smoke, no flame and operated by a small depression on the walls. I did get some odd looks as I played with this a few times. Plunging the room into darkness then lighting it again. I offered a shrug when spoken to. The language is a little similar but most words I do not understand. So I reply in kind with simple words. William introduced me to his wife “Maddy” though she did not seem to be inflicted. She spoke to me very fast and William told her I must be a “Polish man” I had no idea what he meant.
We sat and ate a meal of stew. It was so very tasty and served with fresh bread that was cut thin and square shaped. We spoke a little and William asked me where I was heading and how it was odd to find a person traveling by horse. I explained that I was heading to the coast and he simply nodded. I was then offered a drink of ale. Once again the taste was sublime. What a wondrous land of plenty this is. Suddenly the sound of bells rang out, I jumped up but William beckoned me to sit as Maddy left the room and stopped the ringing. She returned a few moments later with another of the strange “Eggs” but this one was silver in colour. William took it and began to speak into it. It must be a magical device for talking to people who are not in the same room as you. He had a conversation for a while then placed the “Egg” on the table. He then looked at me and said something about “Damn telifons” I think that is what the “Eggs” are called, Telifons. Another word to remember. We then left for another room with big comfortable seats and a crackling fire. Maddy went to a black box on legs and it suddenly was all alight. I could not describe what I saw and heard i words alone. It was as if I was looking through a window into a land populated by small men. The sound was music and talking all in one. There was movement and there were buildings. Some filled the window others just partly so. And the men and women inside did not seem to be aware they were being watched. Sometimes a face would appear and look directly at me and speak to me. I dare not move and was transfixed by the magic of this box. William told Maddy that it was rude to have the “TELI” on in my presence. I was about to object as I wanted to see more of the box when it stopped and went dark.