Monday, 22 October 2007

The Journal.

Today was a difficult for one for me. I had a need to find lodgings for both myself and Ned. I had set up camp on small hillock overlooking a stream. I managed to bathe and pack my heavy armour on to Ned. I broke my fast with a meal of nuts and some hard bread I had with me. Merlin did say that he was sending me to a mythical land of plenty and I would not need much coin. Though my meager supplies will need replenishing soon. This is indeed a strange and wondrous land. The air has an odd taste to it and a constant mist seems to shadow the distance. I have never seen a sun as white as this one appears. There were dragons flying above me last night, winking eyes and some steady. Glowing green and red. I guessed they were very high in the sky as I could only make out a distant rumble. So as to better view the area for threats and settlements I climbed a large tree. It was just starting to darken and from my perch I could see away in the distance glows and lights the like of which I have never known nor could have imagined.

I decided to head west from my camp and where possible avoid contact with the local peasants. I only have five days to gather information. I have a journal into which Merlin has asked I write what I see and feel about this land. He has also given me a crude map and he suggested I head towards the coast. I have Merlin’s load stone and I must use it often and keep it safe. I am to travel light and keep my weaponry hidden from view. On the fifth day I must draw the symbols upon the earth with the salt he has given me. I must be near water and it cannot be still. I have words to incant and gestures to make on the night of the full moon. I must have an empty stomach.

We are of the opinion that this is a peaceful land and the peasants and lords live in harmony with each other. Merlin used his Seeing Bowl and showed me some of the sights I would see. I am in awe of the carriages that have no need of horse and move faster than hare or hound. This will be a wondrous journey. Read now of my journal, for it is written with many an emotion. Merlin has asked me to refrain from wenching, drinking wine and fighting unless provoked. This will be difficult for me but I gave him my pledge.

Day One. Dawn.

I have decided to walk my horse. The load he carries is heavy and his surroundings are not usual. So I walk at his side and console him with quiet song. I have the Sun at my back. It is low in the sky and the night seems to balance the day, the air is cold and the wool beneath my jerkin itches. Here the land is tended and prepared for planting. There is sparse tree cover and game will be a problem. I have seen many rabbits though but no wolves or boar. I passed across one field that was enclosed by linked metal chain so fine I could never imagine a smith of our land making the same. There was a gate that at first looked to be heavy, yet it was tied with a small red rope that did not feel natural. The gate moved easily and I could have lifted it with one arm. I pulled at the tie to test its strength and it resisted well. I have wedged the gate closed with a branch and kept the rope for you to see.

The furrowing of this field is a sight to be seen, deep and straight as no field I have ever seen. The plough-man must be a giant and his steeds would be something to behold. I used my sword to cut a swathe through some hedging and entered into a grove of trees running to my left and right. Through the centre runs a track made from one piece of stone that is black in colour. I can see no joining or mortar and the stone, for that is what it must be, is soft as stale bread. There are some painted white lines along the centre though they are faded. I have decided that I will use this track for a while and I am heading south. I am hoping to find some signs of people.

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Sigourney said...

how interesting...

AZZITIZZ said...

Beware good Knight, there are many dangers that awaitith you along the black stone track.
There is much strange magic to discover that is beyond your wildest imagination.
I shalst visit when canst to read of your exploits.
Keep safe brave Sir.